Uzhgorod Rock garden is a small analogue of Volodymyrska Hill in Kiev. It is covered with remnants of natural of volcanic rocks. The monument dedicated to painters Bokshay and Erdeli who were founders of Transcarpathian School of Art is situated there. A monument was installed in 1999 in honor of the City Day – 1106 years. An artificial yellow...
Located on the left bank of the city (the “New Town”), the first written record of this area dates back to 1631. This part of town has developed slowly, as it always suffered from sudden floods. It was only in the 18th century that the local government began making an effort to protect the river’s banks in this area....
Transcarpathian Regional Museum of Art named after Bokshay is one of cultural and art centers in Transcarpathian region. It was named after Ukrainian painter – Joseph Bokshay (1891-1975). A prerequisite for foundation of the museum was in June 1945, when several rooms in Uzhgorod castle were given to for the exposition of former Zemska Art Gallery. They opened for...
Festival ohňa. Na divákov čakajú vystúpenia divadiel ohňa z celej Ukrajiny i zo zahraničia, ohňové duely, gymnasti, akrobati, žongléri, a rovnako vystúpenia hudobných skupín a záverečná párty.
In mid-April Uzhgorod is painted in pink with cherry blossoms. This event brings tourists from all around the world. During this time Uzhhorod holds the traditional festival "Sakura Fest", with various art exhibitions, fairs and art performances of Transcarpathian musicians.
The building was constructed in 1936. In times of Czechoslovak authorities a gendarmerie of Subcarpathian Rus located there. Today there is a building of Medical Faculty of UzhNU. It is one of the biggest faculties of the university which plays an important role in the development of both the university and health of Transcarpathian region. During its existence the...
The building was built in the 17th century (1668). Initially, this building housed military barracks, and from the late 18th century, Uzhgorod gymnasium. In 1915 the City School of Commerce was founded, and from 1920 – the State Academy of Commerce. Following this tradition, today it holds the Uzhgorod College of Commerce. A plaque honoring Avhustin Shtefan, a famous...
Every year, Uzhhorod holds an agricultural fair called "Golden Autumn". Here you can buy fruits, vegetables, meat by the kilo or on a whole carcass, lots of cheese, honey, wine, baked goods, gifts, embroidered shirts, wicker baskets, toys - including wooden puzzles, jewellery, live poultry and rabbits
The street named after Transcarpathian educator Oleksandr Dukhnovych (24 April 1803 Topolya village, Ukraine – 30 March 1865 Pryashiv, Austrian Empire. He began his literary activity in 1829 and belonged to the so-called arousers. In 1850 he founded “Literary institution” in Pryashev where all the litereary forces of that time were united. O.Dukhnovych issued a hornbook “Reading book for...
The Transcarpathian museum of architecture and everyday life – is an ethnographic open-air museum. It was opened in June 1970 as first museum in Ukrainian SSR which consisted of architectural monuments of ancient Transcarpathian village and exhibits of folk art. It covers an area of 5.5 hectares and located on Castle Hill near Uzhgorod Castle. The museum has samples...